The Uyinene Mrwetyana Foundation© was founded in celebration of the life of Uyinene Mrwetyana.
She is remembered by her loved ones as a person who stood out from the crowd. She was bubbly, kind and caring. She brought light and positive energy to everyone that she engaged with. “Uyi-uyi”, as she was affectionately known, was a keen athlete and artist dedicated to building her physical and spiritual health.

Uyinene was known to be inquisitive, forthright and vocal about the various social ills which plague our society – including patriarchal oppression and issues of gender-based violence.
It is for this reason that this Foundation’s main aim is to empower young people to stand against violence.

We, as a family,
are committed to
continue the fight
against GBV.

Uyinene was a student at UCT at the time of her untimely passing in August 2019 at the age of 19. Her passing – through a gruesome and despicable deed – brought to the fore the GBV debate across the country and internationally. The UCT student body and community members at large marched to Parliament to present a memorandum to President Cyril Ramaphosa to urge the government to put an end to GBV.
Hence the formation of Uyinene Mrwetyana Foundation© which will become the vehicle we will use to continue her legacy. We are the custodians of the life and memory of Uyinene. We are a committed facilitator of her living legacy. Our mandate is to promote her lifelong vision of fighting all forms of injustice against women. Uyinene Mrwetyana is a registered name and trademark owned by the Mrwetyana Family. Unauthorised use of the name and trade mark is in direct contravention of the law and the Mrwetyana Family reserves the right to institute legal proceedings.

The Inkciyo Dignity Drive
As part of the Covid - 19 relief efforts, the Uyinene Mrwetyana Foundation donated toiletries as well as fleece blankets to shelters for displaced women and children.

Masculinity & Health Research Unit
Initiating change within university structures. We were pleased to see the positive response of the youth.

Violence Against Women Webinar
Collaborative initiative with South African Medical Research Council-University of SA's Masculinity & Health Research Unit, and the Psychological Society of SA.

Partnership with Multichoice
The partnership aimed to educate and mobilise citizens in order to eradicate acts of violence against women and children.

Psychologist Chat
UMF online psychological support service that uses a qualified Psychologist. Approximately three people a day access this service on the busiest week.

Prevention of GBV
- Advocacy and awareness campaigns
- Education and training of communities on GBV.

Holistic support services
- Provide a safe haven for displaced women and children.
- Provide support networks to survivors of gender based violence.

Youth Leadership Development
- Partnering with tertiary institutions to provide accredited courses on gender sensitive leadership skills.

A society free of gender- based violence.


To be an instrumental partner,
and a platform for youth engagement,
in the fight against gender- based violence.
We believe that all young people deserve to believe in new possibilities.
We are committed to truthfulness and integrity in upholding the credibility of UMF in all we do.
We are genuinely concerned about the plight of survivors of GBV.
We uphold a high level of professionalism in the roll- out of our programmes.
Advocacy & Social justice
We are committed to create positive change and to fight the injustices that continue to exist in our society.
Youth Leadership
We aim to encourage the alliance and involvement of youth to promote the transformation of the communities in which they live.
Holistic Development
We believe in promoting spiritual, mental, social, physical and emotional well-being.

Your Donation Matters
Uyinene Mrwetyana Foundation Trust